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刘涛 王秀华 潘慧斌

[摘要] 目的 了解開腹大手术术后在麻醉恢复期低氧血症的发生情况,探讨低氧血症的危险因素并评价模型预测效能。 方法 回顾本院2015年8月~2019年4月择期行开腹大手术的患者676例,其中男284例,女392例,年龄 20~82岁,体重指数(BMI)15.2~32.6 kg/m2,ASA Ⅱ~Ⅲ级。依据氧合指数≤300 mmHg与否分为低氧血症组和非低氧血症组。对两组患者术前及术中相关临床资料进行比较和分析,评估术后在麻醉恢复期低氧血症发生情况。采用二元 Logistic 回归对相关因素进行分析,并构建ROC曲线,检验模型预测效能。 结果 开腹大手术患者在麻醉恢复期共187例(27.7%)发生低氧血症。低氧血症的危险因素有年龄(OR=1.029,95%CI 1.010~1.049)、高血压(OR=3.388,95%CI 2.214~5.185)及麻醉时间(OR=1.006,95%CI 1.002~1.011)、血红蛋白(OR=0.985,95%CI 0.971~0.999)与呼气末正压通气(OR=0.526,95%CI 0.292~0.947)是其保护因素。ROC曲线下面积0.760(95%CI=0.719~0.801,P<0.001)。 结论 重视围术期血压控制,合理减少手术及麻醉时间,改善贫血情况并增加呼气末正压通气使用,可能对减少开腹大手术麻醉恢复期低氧血症有指导意义。

[关键词] 开腹大手术;低氧血症;危险因素;ROC曲线

[中图分类号] R614          [文献标识码] B          [文章编号] 1673-9701(2020)08-0128-05

Risk factors analysis and guiding significance of hypoxemia during the anesthesia recovery period after major laparotomy

LIU Tao   WANG Xiuhua   PAN Huibin

Department of Anesthesiology, the First Peoples Hospital of Huzhou in Zhejiang, Huzhou   313000, China

[Abstract] Objective To understand the occurrence of hypoxemia during the anesthesia recovery period after major laparotomy, to investigate the risk factors of hypoxemia, and to evaluate the predictive efficacy of the model. Methods A review was conducted on 676 patients who underwent elective major laparotomy from August 2015 to April 2019, including 284 males and 392 females, aged from 20 to 82 years, with a body mass index(BMI) of 15.2 to 32.6 kg/m2 and ASA of Grade Ⅱ-Ⅲ. Patients were divided into the hypoxemia group and the non-hypoxemia group according to the oxygenation index of ≤300 mmHg or not.The relevant preoperative and intraoperative clinical data of the two groups of patients were compared and analyzed to evaluate the occurrence of hypoxemia in postoperative recovery from anesthesia. The correlation factors were analyzed by binary Logistic regression, and the ROC curve was constructed to test the predictive efficacy of the model. Results A total of 187 patients(27.7%) developed hypoxemia during the anesthesia recovery period after major laparotomy. The risk factors for hypoxemia were age(OR=1.029, 95%CI=1.010 to 1.049), hypertension(OR=3.388, 95%CI=2.214 to 5.185), and duration of anesthesia(OR=1.006, 95%CI=1.002 to 1.011); hemoglobin(OR=0.985, 95%CI=0.971 to 0.999) and positive end-expiratory pressure(OR=0.526, 95%CI=0.292 to 0.947) were its protective factors. The area under the ROC curve was 0.760(95%CI=0.719 to 0.801, P<0.001). Conclusion Paying attention to the control of perioperative blood pressure, reasonably reducing the duration of operation and anesthesia, improving anemia and increasing the use of positive end-expiratory pressure may have a guiding significance in reducing hypoxemia during the anesthesia recovery period after major laparotomy.

[Key words] Major laparotomy; Hypoxemia; Risk factors; ROC curve


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

本研究经湖州市第一人民医院伦理委员会批准,纳入2015年8月~2019年4月在我院行开腹大手术[1,5](食管下段切除术、胃部分切除或全胃切除术、肝脏部分切除术、胰腺切除术、肠部分切除术)的成年患者,且手术后患者送入恢复室进行麻醉复苏。同时排除手术后直接送入重症监护室、腹部大手术联合其他部位手术及临床资料不完善的患者。研究共纳入676例开腹腹部大手术患者,其中男284例,女392例,年龄(56.7±11.8)岁,BMI(23.2±7.4)kg/m2,ASA Ⅱ~Ⅲ级。氧合指数(氧分压/吸入氧浓度)≤300 mmHg诊断为低氧血症[6],根据患者入麻醉复苏室后所测血气分析结果计算氧合指数是否大于、等于或小于300 mmHg,将676例患者分为术后低氧血症组187例(27.7%):氧合指数≤300 mmHg的患者、术后非低氧血症组489例(71.6%):氧合指数>300 mmHg的患者。

1.2 麻醉与复苏方法

所有患者均采用静吸复合全身麻醉。两组患者麻醉方法与复苏方法都相同,具体方法如下,麻醉方法:经咪达唑仑(国药准字H20031071,批号20190313,厂家:江苏恩华药业股份有限公司,5 mg/mL/支)0.05 mg/kg、舒芬太尼(国药准字H20054171,批号91A05171,宜昌人福药业,50 μg/mL/支)0.5 μg/kg、丙泊酚(国药准字H20040300,批号11905291,西安力邦制药有限公司,0.5 g/50 mL/支)2~2.5 mg/kg及顺式阿曲库铵(国药准字H20060869,批号190812AK,江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司,10 mg/支)0.3 mg/kg常规麻醉诱导后进行气管插管,麻醉维持采用丙泊酚、瑞芬太尼(国药准字H20030197,批号90A05171,1 mg/支)及七氟烷(国药准字H20070172,批号19080731,江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司,120 mL/瓶)联合维持麻醉,肌松追加使用顺式阿曲库铵3 mg/次。机械通气潮气量6 mL/kg,呼吸频率12次/min,以维持呼吸末二氧化碳于35~45 cmH2O及气道压低于25 cmH2O为宜。术中吸入氧浓度0.4~0.6,维持脉搏氧饱和度(SPO2)于97%以上。呼吸末气道正压(PEEP)是否使用依据麻醉医生的经验与习惯而定,麻醉深度采用脑电双频谱(BIS)监测,维持BIS值45~55之间。

采用开腹方式完成手术。复苏方法:术毕由麻醉医生将患者送入麻醉恢复室进行复苏,转运途中气管导管连接呼吸皮囊,采用手控呼吸(“挤皮球”)方式维持氧合。患者入复苏室后,机械通气设置与前述无殊。拔除气管导管前,待患者生命体征稳定后抽桡动脉或足背动脉血做血气分析。充分评估患者自主呼吸、睁眼及肌力,并联合使用新斯的明(国药准字H31022770,批号1910303,1 mg/2 mL)1 mg与阿托品0.5 mg(国药准字H34021900,批号19040106,0.5 mg/mL)静脉推注拮抗肌松后拔除气管导管,拔管由专业的麻醉护士进行。拔管后30 min内患者采用面罩吸氧,氧流量5~6 L/min。随后脱氧观察,若SPO2稳定于92%以上,则观察20 min后由麻醉护士将患者送回病房;否则患者继续面罩吸氧,直至安返病房。

1.3 观察指标

依据患者纳入与排除标准,研究所需数据从本院电子病历系统及手术麻醉系统中提取:(1)患者一般信息:性别、年龄、身高、体重及ASA分级;(2)既往病史、并存疾病及吸烟史;(3)术前检查及检验信息:常规胸片、肺功能第一秒用力呼气量占预计百分比(FEV1)与第一秒用力呼气量与用力肺活量比值(FEV1/FVC)、血常规及生化检查:血红蛋白、谷丙转氨酶、肌酐;(4)麻醉与手术相关信息:手术类型、麻醉时间、呼气末正压通气(positive end expiratory pressure, PEEP)使用、术中输液量、输血及动脉血气分析。

1.4 统计学方法

统计分析采用SPSS 19.0统计学软件进行处理。经正态性检验后,计量资料若满足正态分布以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,组间比较采用独立样本t检验;不满足正态分布则以中位数及四分位数间距(Median,IQR)表示,组间比较采用非参数检验(Mann-Whitney U 检验)。计数资料以频数和百分比[n(%)]表示,组间比较采用Fisher确切概率法或χ2检验。行单因素分析后,P<0.05的变量纳入二元Logistic 回归,结果以比值比(OR)和95%置信区间(95%CI)表示。危险因素预测效应以ROC曲线和曲线下面积(AUC)描述。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

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